
A Middle States Accredited District

Vision Statement

We recognize and nurture the POTENTIAL in all students: All students can learn!

We show GRIT and PERSEVERANCE: We can overcome any obstacles!
We act with INTEGRITY:
We always do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do!
We value the academic and creative STRENGTHS in all students:
Students have many avenues to shine!!
We RESPECT ourselves, others, our school, and community:
We consider how our actions affect others!
We take RESPONSIBILITY for our actions:
We learn from our mistakes and grow as a result!
We are READY for any challenge: We feel safe and supported!

Mission Statement

In an effort to prepare students to be college and career ready, the mission of the Mullica Township School District is to celebrate diversity by creating an emotionally and behaviorally safe learning environment where academics and the arts are esteemed.